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Keychron Keyboard映射或禁用截圖快捷鍵

前段時間購入一塊Keychron K3機械鍵盤,總體體驗不錯,但截圖快捷鍵很容易在點擊delete鍵的時候誤觸,於是想要重新映射這個按鍵,卻發現在Karabiner Elements裏面找不到這個鍵……

使用Keyboard Maestro映射或禁用截圖快捷鍵



使用Keyboard Maestro禁用截圖快捷鍵的方法是Reddit網友@earbud這個帖子裏提出的,所以我這篇博客也就是做一個轉載+介紹,順便在ta的基礎上提供重定向這個截圖鍵的方法。

I used Karabiner’s Event Viewer to find out that pressing the screenshot key actually simulates the key presses and release of cmd+shift+4. (you don’t have to do this. just letting you know how I found out what the screenshot button was actually doing).

Since I wanted to keep the manual screenshot key bind, I needed to differentiate between the key presses of the screenshot key and me pressing the keys manually. I did this in Keyboard Maestro (KM) by checking if the cmd and shift keys are held down for a moment longer than the 4 key (idk if everyone does this but I release the 4 key first and hold the cmd and shit keys a little longer when I am pressing the keys to start a screenshot) and then pressing esc if they were not (because the screenshot key releases all keys at close enough time together than KM cannot distinguish a time delay).


各位只要安裝一個Keyboard Maestro ~~(價格是US$36)~~就可以了,這是一個自定義快捷鍵的小軟件,當然也可以用其他類似功能的軟件替代。我直接在這裏給出寫好的配置文件,各位直接保存為拓展名.kmmacros導入軟件就可以用了。




如果需要映射,就點擊最右側一欄最下方的New Action按鈕,在左側找到Type a Keystroke,拖拽到模擬Escape動作下面,然後輸入你想要的按鈕就行啦~我把它重定向成語音識別輸入了,語音識別輸入按鈕就算誤觸也不會影響整體輸入體驗,因為直接繼續打字就會自動關閉了(


使用Karabiner Elements將功能鍵映射成新版鍵位

Keychron/京造的鍵盤的Fn功能鍵鍵位是老款Mac鍵盤的,和新款Mac配總感覺不爽,這個問題可以用Karabiner Elements解決。

Karabiner Elements安裝方法:

brew install --cask karabiner-elements

安裝後在Function keys裏面把Target device選成Keychron鍵盤,然後按照自己喜好調整就OK啦~

Function keys

我因為需要在多種輸入語言中切換,而K2提供的Fn按鍵在鍵盤右側,點按不方便,所以就把Fn也映射到鍵盤的左下角原Control鍵的位置了。不知道為甚麼,使用macOS內置的Modifier Keys映射成Fn後每次切換語言只能切換一次,不能連續切換語言,而Karabiner Elements就一切正常了。

Simple modifications
